Tofino App :: Tofino Massage Therapy - Breedom RMT
Tofino Massage
Phone: 1250-266-0669  
Address: 451 Main Street
Village: Tofino

Tofino Massage.

Crash courses available upon request: Stretching, foam rolling, acupressure with massage balls and hydrotherapy.
Get a pack of gift certificates for your staff.

Visit Tofino Massage Therapy, ground-level location in the Red building at 451 Main Street.

Calm like a balm.
With Tofino Massage

Some treatment concepts include (definitely NOT limited to):
- increasing muscle precision and strength
- increasing active range of motion
- improving immune system
- enhancing vitality of cardiovascular system
- supporting detoxification

Massage therapy is safe, effective, drug-free healthcare.
Health and wellness programs are a significant part of the healthcare fabric of our culture.
Implementing massage as proactive healthcare for yourself is smart.
As a Registered Massage Therapist practicing in the Tofino community, I am
interested in how my education and services can enhance your experience in Tofino.

Massage therapy works on chronic injuries and repetitive strain with preventative
maintenance and offers new ways to get more from your physical and cognitive performance.
Massage Therapy is key in educating us how to reduce our mental and physical stress, restore our optimal biomechanics, and unearth our best energy and health. Consider a visit to Breedom Therapeutics and enhance your freedom!

*Gift certificates for Tofino Massage Therapy are available.
30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 minute sessions apply!

Book some massage! Massage therapy can help let creative wisdom reign within you so you can enjoy life to the fullest!

Did You know...? You can write off Registered Massage therapy!

Bree Eddy, Tofino RMT 250.266.0669