Tofino App :: Tofino Whale Festival 2020 - Pacific Rim Whale Festival
Pacific Rim Whale Festival
Phone: 250-726-7798  
Village: Tofino

2020 Pacific Rim Whale Festival.

March 20 - 28th, 2020

Every March, spring splashes into Canada with the Pacific Rim Whale Festival!

Join the fun on the shores of Vancouver Island's wild west coast, as we celebrate the arrival of upwards of 20,000 grey whales on their northbound migration from the Baja Peninsula to Alaska's Bering Strait and beyond.

Whale Watching in Tofino is a Popular Adventure Tour.
The Whale Festival kicks of the Tofino Whale Watching season.

See the Events listings on the App early 2020 for the Tofino Whale Festival Events Schedule...